Saturday, 12 March 2016

Lent 2016: Week V Mercy and Truth and Euthanasia

I don’t want to get too political, but Bishop Barron refers to a Super Bowl ad that we weren’t allowed to see in Canada! (Take it up with the CRTC, will you?!?) As he states, when our wills trump objective truth, there is no common ground for a real conversation to take place. Here’s Andrew Coyne’s baffling article on Cognitive Dissonance, which seems to be afflicting political leaders in Canada & the U.S. We live in the extraordinary time when a person, a party & a government can speak against something while voting for it. If we are to have a rational discussion about End-of-Life Care, we need a commitment to the truth, not a commitment that obliterates the truth.

Here’s a study from the Canadian Medical Association Journal in 2010, examining euthanasia in Flanders, a part of Belgium: for the 66 people who died without any explicit request for euthanasia, we shall have to come up with some term (other than manslaughter), I guess.

Remember the mercy our Lord extends to the woman caught in adultery flows from the truth of her predicament, and the truth of who Jesus is.

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